Khan Academy on a Stick
Log-a-what? No, this tutorial is about neither chopped wood nor music (actually logarithms do have applications in music), but it is fascinating nonetheless. You know how to take an exponent. Now you can think about what exponent you have to raise a number to to get another number. Yes, I agree--unstoppable fun for the whole family. No, seriously, logarithms are used everywhere (including to measure earthquakes and sound).
ccIntro to logarithms. Learning that logarithms are just a way of expressing "the exponent that you have to raise a base to to get another number"
Ex: Converting an exponential to logarithmic statement
ccLogarithmic Equations 2
Fancier logarithm expressions
ccExamples of logarithms that evaluate to fractional and negative values.
Graphing Logarithmic Functions
ccGraphing Logarithmic Functions
Introduction to Logarithms
ccAn introduction to logarithms
Logarithm basics
If you understand how to take an exponent and you're looking to take your mathematical game to a new level, then you've found the right tutorial. Put simply and confusingly, logarithms are inverse operators to exponents (just as subtraction to addition or division to multiplication). As you'll see, taking a logarithm of something tells you what exponent you need to raise a base to to get that number.
Introduction to logarithm properties
ccIntroduction to the first two logarithm properties.
Introduction to logarithm properties (part 2)
ccSecond part of the introduction to logarithm properties.
Logarithm of a Power
ccLogarithm of a Power
Sum of Logarithms with Same Base
ccSum of Logarithms with Same Base
Using Multiple Logarithm Properties to Simplify
ccUsing Multiple Logarithm Properties to Simplify
Change of Base Formula
ccChange of Base Formula
Proof: log a + log b = log ab
ccProof of the logarithm property: log a + log b = log ab
Proof: A(log B) = log (B^A), log A - log B = log (A/B)
ccProofs of the logarithm properties: A(log B) = log (B^A) and log A - log B = log (A/B)
Change of base formula proof
Logarithmic Equations
ccLogarithmic Equations
Solving Logarithmic Equations
ccSolving Logarithmic Equations
Solving Logarithmic Equations
ccSolving Logarithmic Equations
Logarithmic Scale
ccUnderstanding how logarithmic scale is different from linear scale and why it could be useful
Richter Scale
ccThe basics of the logarithmic Richter and Moment Magnitude Scales to measure earthquakes
Logarithm properties
You want to go deeper in your understanding of logarithms. This tutorial does just that by exploring properties of logarithms that will help you manipulate them in entirely new ways (mostly falling out of exponent properties).
Natural Logarithm with a Calculator
ccNatural Logarithm with a Calculator
Calculator for Natural Logarithms
ccCalculator for Natural Logarithms
Graphing Natural Logarithm Function
ccGraphing Natural Logarithm Function
Natural logarithms
e is a special number that shows up throughout nature (you will appreciate this more and more as you develop your mathematical understanding). Given this, logarithms with base e have a special name--natural logarithms. In this tutorial, we will learn to evaluate and graph this special function.