Khan Academy on a Stick
Exponent expressions and equations
Solving exponential and radical expressions and equations. Using scientific notation and significant figures.
Negative and Positive Exponents
ccNegative and Positive Exponents
Evaluating exponential expressions
ccEvaluating exponential expressions
Evaluating exponential expressions 3
ccEvaluating exponential expressions 3
Exponent Rules Part 1
ccIntroduction to exponent rules
Exponent Rules Part 2
cc2 more exponent rules with an introduction to composite problems
Exponent Properties 1
ccWhen multiplying numbers with common base, add exponents
Exponent Properties 2
ccExponent Properties 2
Exponent Properties 3
ccExponent Properties 3
Exponent Properties 4
ccExponent Properties 4
Exponent Properties 5
ccExponent Properties 5
Exponent Properties 6
ccExponent Properties 6
Exponent Properties 7
ccExponent Properties 7
Simplifying Square Roots
ccSimplifying Square Roots
Simplifying Square Roots Comment Response
ccThinking about the domain of the expression to determine if we need the absolute value sign
Radical Equivalent to Rational Exponents
ccRadical Equivalent to Rational Exponents
Radical Equivalent to Rational Exponents 2
ccRadical Equivalent to Rational Exponents 2
Radical Expressions with Higher Roots
ccRadical Expressions with Higher Roots
Adding and Simplifying Radicals
ccAdding and Simplifying Radicals
Subtracting and Simplifying Radicals
ccSubtracting and Simplifying Radicals
Multiply and Simplify a Radical Expression 1
ccMultiply and Simply a Radical Expression
Multiply and Simplify a Radical Expression 2
ccMultiply and Simply a Radical Expression
Exponent Properties Involving Products
ccExponent Properties Involving Products
Rational Exponents and Exponent Laws
ccRational Exponents and Exponent Laws
Simplifying Cube Roots
ccSimplifying Cube Roots
More Rational Exponents and Exponent Laws
ccMore Rational Exponents and Exponent Laws
How to Rationalize a Denominator
ccHow to Rationalize a Denominator
Simplifying Expressions with Exponents
ccSimplifying Expressions with Exponents
Simplifying Expressions with Exponents 2
ccSimplifying Expressions with Exponents 2
Simplifying Expressions with Exponents 3
ccSimplifying Expressions with Exponents 3
Fractional Exponent Expressions 1
ccFractional Exponent Expressions 1
Fractional Exponent Expressions 2
ccFractional Exponent Expressions 2
Fractional Exponent Expressions 3
ccFractional Exponent Expressions 3
Exponent properties
You first learned about exponents in pre-algebra. You're now ready to apply many of those same principles using abstract variables. Welcome to exponents in algebra! In this tutorial, you will learn about how to manipulate expressions with exponents in them. We'll give lots of example to make sure you see a lot of scenarios. For optimal learning (and fun), pause the video before Sal does an example.
Solving Radical Equations
ccSolving Radical Equations
Extraneous Solutions to Radical Equations
ccExtraneous Solutions to Radical Equations
Solving Radical Equations 1
ccSolving Radical Equations 1
Solving Radical Equations 2
ccSolving Radical Equations 2
Solving Radical Equations 3
ccSolving Radical Equations 3
Applying Radical Equations 1
ccApplying Radical Equations 1
Applying Radical Equations 2
ccApplying Radical Equations 2
Applying Radical Equations 3
ccApplying Radical Equations 3
Radical equations
You're enjoying algebra and equations, but you miss radicals. Wouldn't it be unbelievably awesome if you could solve equations with radicals in them. Well, your dreams can come true. In this tutorial, we work through a bunch of examples to help you understand how to solve radical equations. As always, pause the videos and try to solve the example before Sal does.