File:IMG 0996 Lhasa Barkhor.jpg

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This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 10 August 2007. It was captioned as follows: English: Tibet: An elderly Tibetan women holding a prayer wheel on the Lhasa's pilgrimage circuit of Barkhor. The Barkhor, a quadrangle of streets that surrounds the Jokhang Temple, is both the spiritual heart of the holy city and the main commercial district for Tibetans.
Other languages:
العربية: امرأة عجوز من تبت تحمل دولاب صلاة في دائرة الحج بارخور في لاسا.
Asturianu: Una muyer tibetana nel circuitu de pelegrinax budista de Barkhor, en Lasa, Tibet.
Беларуская: Тыбецкая жанчына з малітоўным колам на пілігрымскім шляху будыстаў Баркор ( Лхаса, Тыбет).
Česky: Stará tibeťanka s modlicím mlýnkem ve Lhase
Dansk: En ældre tibetansk kvinde med en bedemølle i Lhasa.
Deutsch: Tibet: Eine ältere Dame mit Gebetsmühle auf der Pilgerroute Barkhor in Lhasa. Barkhor ist die mittlere von drei konzentrischen Pilgerwegen und umfasst einen Rundgang um den Jokhang-Tempel, welcher das Herz der heiligen Stadt und zentraler Ort des tibetischen Handels ist.
English: Tibet: An elderly Tibetan women holding a prayer wheel on the Lhasa's pilgrimage circuit of Barkhor. The Barkhor, a quadrangle of streets that surrounds the Jokhang Temple, is both the spiritual heart of the holy city and the main commercial district for Tibetans.
Español: Una mujer tibetana en el circuito de peregrinaje budista de Barkhor, en Lasa, Tíbet.
Français : Vieille femme tibétaine portant un moulin à prières dans le circuit de pélerinage bouddhiste du Barkhor à Lhasa au Tibet. Le Barkor, un rectangle de rues entourant le temple de Jokhang est à la fois le centre spirituel et le principal quartier commerçant de la cité sainte.
Magyar: Idős tibeti asszony imamalommal imádkozik (Barkhor, Lhászai zarándokút)
Íslenska: Aldraður pílagrímur notar bænamyllu á pílagrímaslóðinni Barkhor í Lasa í Tíbet.
Italiano: Tibet: Un'anziana pellegrina con una ruota di preghiera compie il circuito sacro del Barkhor a Lhasa. Le strade del Barkhor, attorno al tempio Jokhang, rappresentano contemporaneamente sia il centro sacro che il centro commerciale per i tibetani di Lhasa.
日本語: チベット、ラサの巡礼路バルコルで転経器を持って祈るチベット人の老婆。 トゥルナン寺を一周する道バルコルは、チベット人にとっての聖なる都で、商業の中心地でもあります。
Nederlands: Een oude Tibetaanse vrouw met een gebedsmolen op de pelgrimsroute van Barkhor, het stadsdeel rond de Jokhangtempel, het spirituele hart van de Tibetaanse hoofdstad Lhasa
Polski: Starsza tybetanka trzymająca modlitewne koło, Lhasa.
Português: Uma mulher tibetana idosa faz suas rezas, no circuito de peregrinação de Barkhor, em Lhasa.
Română: Tibet: O bătrână tibetană rugându-se în pelerinajul de la Barkhor. Barkhor, un patrulater de străzi către Templul Jokhang, este centrul spiritual al oraşului sfânt şi principalul centru comercial pentru tibetani.
Русский: Пожилая женщина с молитвенной мельницей ( Лхаса, Тибет)
Svenska: En äldre tibetansk kvinna med en bönekvarn i Lhasa.
Українська: Старша тібетка з молитовним жорном на прощі буддистів у Лхасі. Жінка проходить середнє коло прощі (Barkhor), довкола храму Jokhang — центру священного міста і тібетської торгівлі.
中文(简体): 一位在 拉萨 八廓街上转经的藏族老婆婆
中文(繁體): 一位在 拉薩 八廓街上轉經的 藏族老婆婆
Description |
English: Tibet: An elderly Tibetan women holding a prayer wheel on the Lhasa's pilgrimage circuit of Barkhor. The Barkhor, a quadrangle of streets that surrounds the Jokhang Temple, is both the spiritual heart of the holy city and the main commercial district for Tibetans.
Français : Tibet: vieille femme tibétaine portant un moulin à prières dans le circuit de pélerinage du Barkhor à Lhasa. Le Barkor, un rectangle de rues entourant le Temple de Jokhang est à la fois le centre spirituel et le principal quartier commerçant de la cité sainte.
Italiano: Tibet: Un'anziana pellegrina compie il circuito sacro del Barkhor a Lhasa. Le strade del Barkhor, attorno al tempio Jokhang, rappresentano contemporaneamente sia il centro sacro che il centro commerciale per i Tibetani di Lhasa.
Polski: Starsza tybetanka trzymająca modlitewne koło, Lhasa.
Date | Photo taken 2006-08-10 | ||||||||||
Source | Photo taken by Luca Galuzzi - http://www.galuzzi.it | ||||||||||
Author | Luca Galuzzi ( Lucag) | ||||||||||
Permission ( Reusing this file) |
Camera location |
29° 39′ 8.96″ N, 91° 7′ 52.70″ E |
This and other images at their locations on: Google Maps - Google Earth - OpenStreetMap | ( Info)29.652489;91.131306944444 |
File usage
Camera manufacturer | Canon |
Camera model | Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL |
Author | unknown |
Exposure time | 1/30 sec (0.033333333333333) |
F-number | f/5.6 |
ISO speed rating | 100 |
Date and time of data generation | 08:35, 12 August 2006 |
Lens focal length | 85 mm |
Copyright holder |
Orientation | Normal |
Horizontal resolution | 240 dpi |
Vertical resolution | 240 dpi |
Software used | Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows |
File change date and time | 21:58, 27 March 2007 |
Exposure Program | Aperture priority |
Shutter speed | 4.906891 |
APEX aperture | 4.970854 |
Exposure bias | 0 |
Metering mode | Pattern |
Flash | Flash did not fire, compulsory flash suppression |
Colour space | Uncalibrated |
Image height | 2,000 px |
Image width | 1,333 px |
Serial number of camera | 530436328 |
Lens used | 17.0-85.0 mm |
Date and time of digitizing | 23:58, 27 March 2007 |
Date metadata was last modified | 23:58, 27 March 2007 |
Rating (out of 5) | 5 |
Copyright status | Copyrighted |
Online copyright statement | www.galuzzi.it |
IIM version | 2 |
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