Description |
Ruth Benedict, American anthropologist |
Date |
1937 |
Source |
Library of Congress. New York World-Telegram & Sun Collection. |
Author |
World Telegram staff photographer |
Permission ( Reusing this file) |
"No copyright restriction known. Staff photographer reproduction rights transferred to Library of Congress through Instrument of Gift." See also
This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division under the digital ID cph.3c14649. This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information.
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Deutsch: Ruth Fulton Benedict (* 5. Juni 1887 in New York; † 17. September 1948 in New York) war Begründerin einer kulturvergleichenden Anthropologie in den USA.
English: She was born in New York, and attended Vassar College, graduating in 1909. She entered graduate studies at Columbia University in 1919, studying under Franz Boas, receiving her PhD and joining the faculty in 1923. Margaret Mead, with whom she shared a romantic relationship, and Marvin Opler were among her students and colleagues.
Español: Ruth Benedict ( 6 de junio de 1887 – 17 de septiembre de 1948) fue una antropóloga estadounidense.
Eesti: Ruth Benedict (sünninimi Ruth Fulton; 6. juuni 1887 New York – 17. september 1948 New York) oli USA kultuurantropoloog ja kirjanik. Kirjanikuna kasutas ta pseudonüümi Anne Singleton.
Français : Ruth Benedict, née Fulton ( 6 juin 1887, New York, États-Unis – 17 septembre 1948, id.) est une anthropologue, biographe et poétesse américaine.
Galego: Ruth Benedict ( 1887- 1948) foi unha antropóloga norteamericana. Os seus estudos sobre os indios serranos de California, Zuni e Cochiti constitúen unha grande axuda para a antropoloxía cultural na área da cultura e personalidade. Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial dirixiu a súa atención cara os pobos europeos e asiáticos.
Italiano: Ruth Benedict ( New York, 5 giugno 1887 - 17 settembre 1948) è stata un' antropologa statunitense.
日本語: ルース・ベネディクト(Ruth Benedict(née Fulton)、 1887年 6月5日 - 1948年 9月17日)は、アメリカの 文化人類学者。 ニューヨーク生まれ。
Polski: Ruth Benedict z domu Fulton, (ur. 5 czerwca 1887 - zm. 17 września 1948) - amerykańska badaczka z dziedziny antropologii. Jej badania miały wielkie znaczenie dla rozwoju antropologii kulturowej. Jej największe dzieło to Wzory kultury (Patterns of Culture, 1934). Badała plemiona Ameryki Północnej, w tym kalifornijskie plemię Serrano i kanadyjskie Czarne Stopy. Była zwolenniczką idei równości człowieka.
中文: -{T
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Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse |
This photograph is a work for hire created prior to 1968 by a staff photographer at New York World-Telegram & Sun. It is part of a collection donated to the Library of Congress. Per the deed of gift, New York World-Telegram & Sun dedicated to the public all rights it held for the photographs in this collection upon its donation to the Library. Thus, there are no known restrictions on the usage of this photograph. Photographs in this collection other than those identified by such stamps as "World-Telegram photo" or "World-Telegram photo by Ed Palumbo" might not be in the public domain. Works within the collection may be attributed to other news services that retain copyright, works of the U.S. government that are in the public domain, or works with no attribution for which copyright cannot be determined
For more information consult Rights and Restrictions on New York World-Telegram & Sun Collection.
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