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This is a featured picture, which means that members of the community have identified it as one of the finest images on the English Wikipedia, adding significantly to its accompanying article. If you have a different image of similar quality, be sure to upload it using the proper free license tag, add it to a relevant article, and nominate it. |

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This image was selected as picture of the day on the English Wikipedia for February 26, 2005, and November 17, 2006. |
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This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 24 February 2008. It was captioned as follows: English: Destitute pea pickers in California, mother of seven children, age thirty-two, in the 1930s.
Other languages:
Afrikaans: Florence Owens Thompson, die 32-jarige moeder van sewe kinders, is die onderwerp van die foto Migrantemoeder (Dorothea Lange, 1936), 'n toonbeeld van die Amerikaanse Groot Depressie
Asturianu: La semeya nomada Migrant Mother durante la Gran Depresión, amosando a Florence Owens Thompson, recoyedora d'arbeyos, 32 años y madre de siete críos, en Nipono California, marzu de 1936.
Беларуская: «Вандроўная маці» (здымак Даратэі Ланге, сакавік 1936), партрэт 32-гадовай маці 7 дзяцей, без сродкаў да існавання (штат Каліфорнія).
Bosanski: Siromašni berači graška, majka sedmoro djece, 32 godine, 1930-ih u Kaliforniji.
Česky: Dorothea Langeová: Migrant Mother („Vandrující matka“); fotografie zobrazuje Florence Thompsonovou, matku sedmi dětí, v době hospodářské krize v 30. letech 20. století
Dansk: Immigrantmoderen, foto af Dorothea Lange. Florence Owens Thompson, 32 år, mor til 7 børn i en fattig familie af ferskenplukkere i Nipomo, Californien (marts 1936, under depressionen i USA).
Deutsch: Migrant Mother von Dorothea Lange zeigt eine 32-jährige Mutter ( Florence Thompson) von 7 Kindern in Nipomo, Kalifornien, 1936.
English: Destitute pea pickers in California, mother of seven children, age thirty-two, in the 1930s.
Español: Madre migrante, foto de Dorothea Lange. Muestra a los desposeídos cosechadores de arvejas de California, centrándose en Florence Owens Thompson, de 32 años, madre de 7 hijos, en Nipomo, California (marzo de 1936).
Euskara: Kaliforniako ilar-jasotzaile behartsuak. Irudikoa 32 urteko Florence Owens Thompson da, 7 semeen ama, Nipomon, Kalifornia, 1936ko martxoan.
Français : Ramasseurs de pois licenciés en Californie, dans les années 1930. Mère de sept enfants, 32 ans.
Magyar: Florence Thompson, 32 éves, hétgyermekes anya (Nipomo, Kalifornia - Dorothea Lange fotója, USA, 1936)
Íslenska: Ljósmyndin Flökkumóðir (e. Migrant Mother) eftir Dorotheu Lange sýnir baunatínslukonuna Florence Owens Thompson, þrjátíu og tveggja ára, með tveimur af sjö börnum sínum í Nipono, Kaliforníu á tímum Heimskreppunnar 1936.
Italiano: Migrant Mother, Dorothea Lange, 1936.
日本語: 1936年に ドロシア・ラングが撮影した 貧困の母親、 アメリカ合衆国、 カリフォルニア
한국어: 1930년대 캘리포니아 주의 가난한 이삭 줍는 사람들. 일곱 명의 아이들을 둔 32세의 어머니. ( 플로렌스 톰슨의 "이주민 어머니".)
Lietuvių: Skurstanti žirnių rinkėja Kalifornijoje, septynių vaikų ir trisdešimt dviejų metų motina 1930
Nederlands: Florence Owens Thompson, de 32-jarige moeder van zeven kinderen, die het onderwerp vormt van de foto Migrantenmoeder (Dorothea Lange, 1936), een toonbeeld van de Amerikaanse Grote Depressie
Polski: Zdjęcie trzydziestodwuletniej kobiety zajmującej się zbieraniem grochu, matki siedmiorga dzieci. Kalifornia, USA, lata 30. XX wieku.
Português: Fotografia Migrant Mother durante a Grande Depressão, mostrando Florence Owens Thompson, mãe de sete crianças, de 32 anos de idade, em Nipono, Califórnia, março de 1936.
Română: „Mama-imigrantă” — fotografie a unei femei de 32 ani imigrată în California anilor '30.
Русский: Мать-иммигрантка. 32-летняя мать семи детей в Калифорнии в 1930-е годы.
Српски / srpski: Migrant Mother, фотографија-икона Велике депресије, на којој је приказана Флоренс Томпсон, тридесетдвогодишња мајка седморо деце. Назив фотографије у Конгресној библиотеци је „Сиромашни берачи грашка".
Svenska: Migrant Mother av Dorothea Lange, ett porträtt av en fattig kvinna i Kalifornien under depressionen i USA på 1930-talet.
Українська: Мати-імігрантка. 32-річна мати сімох дітей в Каліфорнії в 1930-ті роки в час «Великої депресії».
中文(简体): 1934年在 美国 加利福尼亚州的贫困拣豌豆妇女,32岁已经有7个孩子。
中文(繁體): 美國攝影師 桃樂絲·蘭格在1936年拍攝的作品《移民的母親》
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Deutsch: Dieses Bild war 2010 in der 1. Kalenderwoche das Bild der Woche in der Maleisischen Wikipedia
English: This image was selected as a picture of the week on the Malay Wikipedia for the 1st week, 2010.
Македонски: Оваа слика е избрана за слика на неделата на малезиската Википедија за I недела од 2010 година.
മലയാളം: മലയ് വിക്കിപീഡിയയിൽ ഈ ചിത്രം ഈ ആഴ്ചയിലെ ചിത്രമായി 2010-ലെ വാരം 1-ൽ തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്തിട്ടുണ്ട്.
Bahasa Melayu: Imej ini merupakan gambar pilihan mingguan di Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu untuk minggu ke-1, 2010.
Français : Cette image est sélectionnée en tant qu' image de la semaine sur la Wikipédia Malaisienne pour la 1ème semaine de 2010.
Nederlands: Deze afbeelding is gekozen als afbeelding van de week op de Maleisische Wikipedia voor week 1 van 2010.
Русский: Эта иллюстрация была выбрана изображением недели в малайском разделе «Википедии» для недели номер 1 2010 года.
Svenska: Denna bild är utvald till veckans bild på Wikipedia på malajiska, vecka 1, 2010.
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Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse |
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This image is a work of an employee of the United States Farm Security Administration or Office of War Information domestic photographic units, taken as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain. See Copyright. | ![]() |
- ↑ United States Government. Dorothea Lange's "Migrant Mother": Photographs in the Farm Security Administration Collection: An Overview. Prints and Photographs Reading Room. Library of Congress, United States Goverment.
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This image has been assessed under the valued image criteria and is considered the most valued image on Commons within the scope: Migrant Mother (1936), by Dorothea Lange. You can see its nomination at Commons:Valued image candidates/Lange-MigrantMother02.jpg.
File usage
Orientation | Normal |
Horizontal resolution | 28.3465 dpi |
Vertical resolution | 28.3465 dpi |
Software used | Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows |
File change date and time | 18:37, 18 December 2011 |
Colour space | Uncalibrated |
Image height | 6,205 px |
Image width | 8,066 px |
Date and time of digitizing | 10:21, 25 May 2005 |
Date metadata was last modified | 19:37, 18 December 2011 |
IIM version | 2 |
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