DescriptionCharles Stewart Parnell - Brady-Handy.jpg |
Charles Stewart Parnell. Library of Congress description: "Hon. Chas. Parnell of Dublin, Ireland"
Date |
between 1870 and 1880 |
Source |
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. Brady-Handy Photograph Collection. CALL NUMBER: LC-BH826- 460 [P&P]
Author |
Levin Corbin Handy (1855–1932)  |
Description |
American photographer
Date of birth/death |
August 1855 |
26 March 1932 |
Authority control |
Permission ( Reusing this file) |
This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division under the digital ID cwpbh.03648. This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information.
This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: restored. Modifications made by PawełMM.
Bosanski: Charles Stewart Parnell ( 27. juni 1846, Avondale, okrug Wicklow - 6. oktobar 1891, Brighton), zvan "neokrunjenim kraljem Irske", bio je irski političar u drugoj polovici 19. vijeka i borac za irsku samostalnost.
Deutsch: Charles Stewart Parnell (* 27. Juni 1846; † 6. Oktober 1891 in Brighton) war ein politischer Führer in Irland und eine der wichtigsten irischen Persönlichkeiten des 19. Jahrhunderts. William Ewart Gladstone (lange Zeit britischer Premierminister) hielt Parnell für die bemerkenswerteste Person, die er in seinem Leben getroffen hat. Der Premierminister Herbert Henry Asquith beschrieb ihn als eine der drei oder vier größten Männer des 19. Jahrhunderts, während Richard Burdon Haldane ihn als die stärkste Persönlichkeit ansieht, die das britische Unterhaus in 150 Jahren gesehen hat.
English: Charles Stewart Parnell was born in County Wicklow, of gentry stock. He was the third son and seventh child of John Henry Parnell, a wealthy Anglo-Irish landowner, and his American wife Delia Stewart, daughter of the American naval hero, Commodore Charles Stewart (the stepson of one of George Washington's bodyguards). Commodore Stewart's mother, Parnell's great-grandmother, belonged to the Tudor family and so could claim a distant relationship with the British Royal Family. John Henry Parnell himself was a cousin of one of Ireland's leading aristocrats, Lord Powerscourt, and also the grandson of a Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Irish House of Commons, Sir John Parnell. Thus, from birth, Charles Stewart Parnell possessed an extraordinary number of links to many elements of society; he belonged to the established Church of Ireland (most of whose members were unionists), he was connected with the aristocracy through the Powerscourts, he was linked to the old Irish Parliamentary tradition via his great-grandfather, to the American War of Independence via his grandfather, to the War of 1812 (where his grandfather had been awarded a gold medal by the United States Congress for gallantry), and distantly connected to the Royal Family. Yet it was as a leader of Irish nationalism that Parnell established his fame.
Español: Charles Stewart Parnell ( 27 de junio de 1846 - 6 de octubre de 1891) fue un líder político irlandés y una de las figuras más importantes en la Irlanda y el Reino Unido del siglo XIX.
Français : Charles Stewart Parnell ( 27 juin 1846, Avondale, comté de Wicklow - 6 octobre 1891, Brighton), dit « le roi sans couronne d'Irlande », est un homme politique irlandais de la seconde moitié du , figure de proue du nationalisme.
Gaeilge: Polaiteoir Éireannach ab ea é Charles Stewart Parnell ( 27 Meitheamh, 1846 – 6 Deireadh Fómhair, 1891). Ceann de na ceannairí ba tábhachtaí in Éirinn agus an Ríocht Aontaithe san 19ú haois ab ea é, agus tugtar an teideal "Rí gan choróin na hÉireann" dó go minic.
עברית: צ'ארלס סטיוארט פרנל ( 27 ביוני 1846 - 6 באוקטובר 1891) מדינאי אירי, אשר קידם את מטרת "שלטון הבית" לאירלנד, ונחשב לאחד ממבשרי העצמאות האירית.
Hrvatski: Charles Stewart Parnell (Avondale, okrug Wicklow, 27. lipnja 1846. - Brighton, 6. listopada 1891.), zvan "neokrunjenim kraljem Irske", bio je irski političar u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća i borac za irsku samostalnost.
Italiano: Charles Stewart Parnell ( 27 giugno 1846 - 6 ottobre 1891) fu un politico irlandese.
日本語: チャールズ・スチュワート・パーネル(Charles Stewart Parnell, 1846年 6月27日 - 1891年 10月6日)は アイルランドの政治指導者であり、19世紀のアイルランドにおける重要人物の一人である。 イギリスの首相 ウィリアム・グラッドストンは彼のことを自分が会った人物の中で最も非凡であったと述べている。
Nederlands: Charles Stewart Parnell ( County Wicklow 27 juni 1846 – 6 oktober 1891 Brighton) was een Iers politicus. Hij stamde uit een protestantse familie als derde zoon en zevende kind van John Henry Parnell, een welgestelde Engels-Iers landeigenaar en zijn Amerikaanse vrouw Delia Stewart (dochter van de Amerikaanse marine held, commandeur Charles Stewart).
Português: Charles Stewart Parnell foi um político irlandês, representante de seu país no Parlamento em Londres. Suas posições causavam polêmica entre os irlandeses.
Svenska: Parnell tillhörde en protestantisk familj av engelsk härkomst, som under Karl II:s regering flyttat över till Irland. Hans farfars far, sir John Parnell, född 1744, död 1801, var baronet
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