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Description美國總統艾森豪於1960年6月訪問臺灣台北時與蔣中正總統-2.jpg |
中文(繁體): 美國總統艾森豪於1960年6月18-19日訪問 |臺灣省 台北市時與蔣中正總統搭敞篷車前往圓山行館途中接受熱情群眾夾道歡迎。蔣總統與蔣夫人宋美齡親赴松山機場迎接, 艾森豪總統並於傍晚在總統府前廣場對50萬群眾發表演說。兩國總統發表聯合公報, 穩固邦誼,譴責中共對金門隔日砲擊之惡行,也依1954年的《中美共同防禦條約》繼續保衛台澎金馬。艾森豪與蔣中正在第二次世界大戰中分別擔任 歐洲及中國戰區的盟軍統帥, 艾帥並曾於1943年隨小羅斯福總統參加開羅會議, 會見過 中華民國代表國民政府軍事委員會委員長蔣中正伉儷。
English: With President Chiang Kai-shek of the Republic of China, the U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower waved hands to Taiwanese people during his visit to Taipei, Taiwan in June 1960. The two Presidents issued a Joint Communique reaffirming solidarity, stating that, according to the 1954 Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty, Kinmen and Matsu islands were closely related to the defense of Taiwan, and condemning the Communist China's artillery bombardment against Kinmen. Chiang was the Supreme Commander of Allied forces in the China war zone while Eisenhower was the Supreme Allied Commander Europe. Chiang met President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the Cairo Conference in 1943 while Eisenhower also attended the meeting.
Date |
18 June 1960 |
Source |
http://ccy1929.blogspot.com/2007/11/blog-post.html |
Author |
姚琢奇 (資深軍事記者, 亦曾任職勞工通訊社、美國合眾國際社(UPI)、英國路透社(REUTER)。曾拍攝來台灣訪問的各國元首、採訪823砲戰在密集砲火中求生、搭乘軍用直昇機墜落山谷命大生還、拍過國際級的大明星等。他是台灣第一位乘坐過F-104戰鬥機的攝影記者,也是台灣第一位傳給國外彩色新聞照片的攝影記者。) |
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse |
This image is now in the public domain in the Republic of China ( Taiwan) because its term of copyright has expired there. According to articles 30 to 34 of the copyright laws of R.O.C., under the jurisdiction of the Government of R.O.C. all non-photographic works enter the public domain 50 years after the death of the creator (there being multiple creators, the creator who dies last); photographic works enter the public domain 50 years after the public release.
English | 中文(繁體) | +/−
According to the Copyright Act of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Economic rights for photographic works, audiovisual works, sound recordings, and performances endure for fifty years after the public release of the work (Article 34).
依中華民國《 著作權法》第 34 條: 攝影、視聽、錄音及表演之著作財產權存續至著作公開發表後五十年。
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