File:Mt Uluguru and Sisal plantations.jpg

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This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 16 July 2009. It was captioned as follows: English: A farmer walks towards sisal plantations in the outskirts of Morogoro, Tanzania. Tanzania is the world's second largest sisal producer. The Uluguru Mountains can be seen in the background.
Other languages:
Česky: Zemědělec jde k sisalové plantáži nedaleko města Morogoro v Tanzánii. Tanzánie je druhý největší světový producent sisalu. V pozadí je vidět pohoří Uluguru.
Dansk: En landmand på vej mod en sisal- plantage i udkanten af Morogoro i Tanzania. Ulugurubjergene ses i baggrunden.
Deutsch: Sisalfelder in der Nähe der tansanischen Stadt Morogoro, im Hintergrund die Uluguruberge
English: A farmer walks towards sisal plantations in the outskirts of Morogoro, Tanzania. Tanzania is the world's second largest sisal producer. The Uluguru Mountains can be seen in the background.
Esperanto: Farmisto promenas al planetejoj de sisalo proksime de Morogoro en Tanzanio. Fone videblas la Uluguru-montaro.
Español: Un agricultor se dirige hacia unas plantaciones de sisal en los alrededores de Morogoro, Tanzania. Al fondo, pueden observarse los montes Uluguru.
Français : Un paysan marche vers des champs de sisal dans les environs de Morogoro, en Tanzanie. En arrière plan se dressent les monts Uluguru. La Tanzanie est le quatrième producteur mondial de sisal.
Magyar: Szizálültetvények (Agave sisalana) Tanzániában, háttérben az Uluguru-hegységgel.
日本語: タンザニア モロゴロ郊外の サイザルアサ・ プランテーションへと歩く 農民。タンザニアは世界第2位のサイザルアサ生産地である。背景には ウルグル山地の山々が望める。
한국어: 농부가 탄자니아 모로고로 교외에 있는 사이잘초 농원을 걷고 있다. 뒤에는 우루구루산이 보인다.
Македонски: Полјоделец оди низ плантажа на сизал во периферијата на градот Морогоро, Танзанија. Танзанија е вториот најголем произведувач на сизал во светот. Во позадината се гледааат Улугурските Планини.
Malti: Bidwi jgħaddi qalb għars ta' sisal fis-subborgi ta' Morogoro, fit- Tanżanija. It-Tanżanija hi t-tieni l-ikbar produtturiċi ta' sisal. Fl-isfond jidhru wkoll il-Muntanji Uluguru.
Nederlands: Een agrariër (boer) loopt naar de sisal- plantages aan de buitenrand van de Oost-Tanzaniaanse stad Morogoro. Op de achtergrond is het Ulugurugebergte zichtbaar. Tanzania is na Brazilië de op een na grootste producent van sisal.
Polski: Rolnik idący w stronę plantacji agawy na przedmieściach Morogoro w Tanzanii. Tanzania jest drugim największym w świecie producentem agawy. W tle Góry Uluguru.
Português: Um agricultor percorre uma plantação de sisal, nos arredores de Morogoro, Tanzânia. Ao fundo, as montanhas Uluguru.
Русский: Плантация сизаля ( Agave sisalana) у подножия Улугуру ( Танзания)
Українська: Плантація сизаля (Agave sisalana) біля підніжжя гір Улугуру ( Танзанія)
中文(简体): 一位农夫走向 坦桑尼亚 莫罗戈罗郊区的 剑麻种植地,坦桑尼亚是世界上第二大剑麻种植国。远方为乌卢古鲁山。
中文(繁體): 一位農夫走向 坦尚尼亞 莫羅戈羅郊區的 劍麻種植地,坦尚尼亞是世界上第二大劍麻種植國。遠方為 烏盧古魯山。
Description |
English: A farmer walks towards sisal plantations in the outskirts of Morogoro, Tanzania. Tanzania is the world's fourth largest sisal producer. The Uluguru Mountains can be seen in the background.
Français : Un paysan marche vers des champs de sisal dans les environs de Morogoro, en Tanzanie. En arrière plan se dressent les monts Uluguru. La Tanzanie est le quatrième producteur mondial de sisal.
Date | April 2009 (13 April 2009, according to EXIF data) | |||||||||||
Source | Own work | |||||||||||
Author | Muhammad Mahdi Karim ( www.micro2macro.net) Facebook | |||||||||||
Permission ( Reusing this file) |
File usage
Image title | A panorama showing the Uluguru Mountains in the background and the extensive sisal plantations in the foreground. A farmer walks into the farm. Tanzania is the world's second largest sisal producer |
Camera manufacturer | Canon |
Camera model | Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Author | Muhammad Mahdi Karim |
Exposure time | 1/2,000 sec (0.0005) |
F-number | f/4.5 |
ISO speed rating | 400 |
Date and time of data generation | 17:05, 13 April 2009 |
Lens focal length | 18 mm |
Orientation | Normal |
Horizontal resolution | 300 dpi |
Vertical resolution | 300 dpi |
Software used | Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows |
File change date and time | 15:59, 22 May 2009 |
Y and C positioning | Co-sited |
Exposure Program | Aperture priority |
Exif version | 2.21 |
Date and time of digitizing | 17:05, 13 April 2009 |
Shutter speed | 10.965789794922 |
APEX aperture | 4.33984375 |
Exposure bias | 0 |
Metering mode | Pattern |
Flash | Flash did not fire, compulsory flash suppression |
Colour space | sRGB |
Focal plane X resolution | 4,433.2953249715 |
Focal plane Y resolution | 4,453.6082474227 |
Focal plane resolution unit | inches |
Custom image processing | Normal process |
Exposure mode | Auto exposure |
White balance | Auto white balance |
Scene capture type | Standard |
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