A Greek inscription on a basalt stone found on the fortress hill of Garni, indicating that the monument was built by Tiridates I of Armenia, in 77 A.D Source: The image is from History of Armenia by Vahan M. Kurkjian, a publication in the public domain.
A History of Armenia by Vahan M. Kurkjian was first published in 1958 by the Armenian General Benevolent Union of America. The text, actually taken here from the 1964 reprinting, is in the public domain since the 1958 copyright was not renewed at the appropriate time (1985‑1986), and the work has therefore fallen into the public domain.
- 1 ήλιος [.Δ..............................]
- μεγάλης Αρμενιας ΑΝΑ[-.................]
- -]ΩΣ δεσπότης αίκτισεν ΑΡ[-.....]
- βασίλισα, τον ανίκητον ΚΑΘ[-...........]
- 5 αίτους ΑΙ [?] της βασιλεί[ας.]
- -]MENIEΑΣ υπό εξουσίας ΤΕΙΑΡΙ[.......]
- λιτουργός τω μεγάλω θ[εώ?..............]
- μετα .MATH..illegible και ευχα[ίς?......]
- του μαρτυρίου.....lacuna...............]
- 1 Sun [...................................]
- of great Armenia ANA[-..................]
- -]ΩΣ the overlord built AΡ[-..........]
- queen, the invincible ΚΑΘ[-.............]
- 5 in the [numerical?] regal year[.....]
- -]MENIEAΣ under the rule TEIAΡΙ[......]
- servant to the great g[οd?..............]
- obscure meaning...........................]
- of the testimony [lacuna................]
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