File:Apis mellifera flying.jpg

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This is a featured picture, which means that members of the community have identified it as one of the finest images on the English Wikipedia, adding significantly to its accompanying article. If you have a different image of similar quality, be sure to upload it using the proper free license tag, add it to a relevant article, and nominate it. |

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This image was selected as picture of the day on the English Wikipedia for August 25, 2010. |
Description |
Català: Una abella obrera (Apis mellifera) volant cap el rusc amb una càrrega de pol·len en la concavitat de les potes posteriors. Fotografia presa a Dar es Salaam, Tanzània.
Deutsch: Eine Westliche Honigbiene (Apis mellifera) beim Transportieren von Pollen. Fotografiert in einem privaten Bienenhaus in Daressalam, Tansania.
Eesti: Meemesilane (Apis mellifera) kandmas õietolmu. Pildistatud Dar es Salaamis, Tansaanias.
English: 12mm long Apis mellifera, Apis mellifera flying back to its hive carrying pollen in a pollen basket. Pictured in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on a private facility.
Español: La abeja europea ( Apis mellifera) con polen.
Français : Une abeille domestique ( Apis mellifera), vole vers sa ruche chargée de pollen, placé dans ses sacs polliniques. Photo prise à Dar es Salaam, en Tanzanie, dans un rucher privé.
Italiano: Un' Ape (Apis mellifera) riporta il polline accumulato nella cestella all' alveare.
Nederlands: Een honingbij (Apis mellifera) vliegt terug naar de kolonie met stuifmeel in een stuifmeelmand (corbicula) onder haar lijf.
Suomi: Tarhamehiläinen (Apis mellifera) lentämässä takaisin pesäänsä kantaen siitepölyä mukanaan. Kuva otettu Dar es Salamissa, Tansaniassa.
Svenska: Ett flygande tambi (Apis mellifera) med pollen.
Date | April 2009 (30 April 2009, according to EXIF data) | |||||||||||
Source | Own work | |||||||||||
Author | Muhammad Mahdi Karim ( www.micro2macro.net) Facebook | |||||||||||
Permission ( Reusing this file) |
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This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 2 August 2009. It was captioned as follows: English: A European Honey Bee ( Apis mellifera) flying back to its hive carrying pollen in a pollen basket.
Other languages:
Български: Европейска медоносна пчела ( Apis mellifera) се връща в кошера си с кошничка цветен прашец.
Bosanski: Zapadna medonosna pčela (Apis mellifera) se vraća u košnicu noseći polen.
Català: Una abella obrera ( Apis mellifera) volant cap el rusc amb una càrrega de pol·len en la concavitat de les potes posteriors. Fotografia presa a Dar es Salaam, Tanzània.
Česky: Včela medonosná ( Apis mellifera) nese v košíčku pyl zpět do úlu
Dansk: En honningbi ( Apis mellifera) flyver tilbage mod sin bikube med en klump pollen.
Deutsch: Eine Westliche Honigbiene ( Apis mellifera) beim Transport von Pollen
English: A European Honey Bee ( Apis mellifera) flying back to its hive carrying pollen in a pollen basket.
Esperanto: Eŭropa abelo ( Apis mellifera) transportas polenon
Español: Ejemplar de abeja europea o doméstica ( Apis mellifera), que regresa a la colmena llevando granos de polen en los cestillos.
Suomi: Mehiläinen (Apis mellifera) lentämässä takaisin pesäänsä kantaen siitepölyä mukanaan.
Français : Une abeille domestique ( Apis mellifera), vole vers sa ruche chargée de pollen, placé dans ses sacs polliniques. Photo prise à Dar es Salaam, en Tanzanie
Magyar: Kaptárba visszatérő mézelő méh (Apis mellifera) virágporral a virágportartójában
Italiano: Un'ape europea ( Apis mellifera) ritorna al suo alveare trasportando polline.
日本語: 花粉かごに 花粉を抱えて巣箱へと戻る セイヨウミツバチ ( Apis mellifera)
한국어: 유럽꿀벌 ( Apis mellifera)이 꽃가루 바구니에 담을 꽃가루를 가지고 벌집으로 날아 돌아오는 모습.
Македонски: Европска медоносна пчела (Apis mellifera) се враќа во кошницата носејќи полен во кошничка.
മലയാളം: യൂറോപ്പിൽ കണ്ടുവരുന്ന ഒരിനം തേനീച്ച ( Apis mellifera) പൂമ്പൊടിയുള്ള സസ്യഭാഗവുമായി കൂട്ടിലേയ്ക്ക് മടങ്ങുന്നു.
Malti: Naħla Ewropea ( Apis mellifera) tirritorna lura lejn ix-xehda tagħha waqt li ġġorr l- għasel.
Nederlands: een honingbij (Apis mellifera) vliegt terug naar de kolonie met stuifmeel in een stuifmeelmand (corbicula) onder haar lijf
Polski: Europejska pszczoła miodna powraca do ula z pykiem w koszyczkach.
Português: Uma abelha-europeia ( Apis mellifera), retorna para a sua colmeia carregando uma massa bastante compacta de grãos de pólen armazenada na corbícula.
Русский: Медоносная пчела ( Apis mellifera) возвращается в улей со свежим взятком
中文(简体): 12毫米长的 西方蜜蜂( Apis mellifera)飞回蜂巢,花粉篮带有花粉,拍摄于 坦桑尼亚 达累斯萨拉姆。
中文(繁體): 12毫米長的 西方蜜蜂( Apis mellifera)飛回蜂巢,花粉籃帶有花粉,拍攝於 坦尚尼亞 三蘭港。
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This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Cloned out small branch.
Annotations | This image is annotated: View the annotations at Commons |
Pollen basket
File usage
Camera manufacturer | Canon |
Camera model | Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Exposure time | 1/200 sec (0.005) |
F-number | f/11 |
ISO speed rating | 400 |
Date and time of data generation | 14:57, 30 April 2009 |
Lens focal length | 150 mm |
Orientation | Normal |
Horizontal resolution | 762.667 dpi |
Vertical resolution | 762.667 dpi |
Software used | Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows |
File change date and time | 19:12, 4 June 2009 |
Y and C positioning | Co-sited |
Exposure Program | Manual |
Exif version | 2.21 |
Date and time of digitizing | 14:57, 30 April 2009 |
Meaning of each component |
Shutter speed | 7.6438598632812 |
APEX aperture | 6.9188690185547 |
Exposure bias | 0 |
Metering mode | Pattern |
Flash | Flash fired, compulsory flash firing, red-eye reduction mode |
Supported Flashpix version | 0,100 |
Colour space | sRGB |
Focal plane X resolution | 4,433.2953249715 |
Focal plane Y resolution | 4,453.6082474227 |
Focal plane resolution unit | inches |
Custom image processing | Normal process |
Exposure mode | Manual exposure |
White balance | Auto white balance |
Scene capture type | Standard |
Supported Flashpix version | 1 |
Image height | 1,754 px |
Image width | 1,169 px |
Date metadata was last modified | 22:12, 4 June 2009 |
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