File:Chromium crystals and 1cm3 cube.jpg

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This image was selected as picture of the day on the English Wikipedia for December 14, 2011. |
DescriptionChromium crystals and 1cm3 cube.jpg |
Deutsch: Reinste (99,999 % = 5N) Chrom-Kristalle. Hergestellt nach dem chemischen Transportprozess durch thermische Zersetzung von Chromiodid, sowie für den Größenvergleich ein hochreiner (99,95 % = 3N5) 1 cm3 Chrom-Würfel
English: High purity (99.999 % = 5N) chromium crystals, produced by chemical transport reaction through decomposition of chromium iodides, as well as a high purity (99,95 % = 3N5) 1 cm3 chromium cube for comparison.
Italiano: Cristalli di cromo ultrapuro (99.999%) - ottenuti per reazione di trasporto chimico tramite decomposizione di ioduro di cromo - accostati, per confronto, ad un cubo di cromo levigato, puro (99,95% = 3N5), di 1 cm³.
Polski: Kryształy chromu o czystości 99,999 % = 5N wytworzone metodą reakcji transportu chemicznego przez rozkład jodku chromu oraz sześcian wykonany z chromu o czystości 99,95 % = 3N5.
Українська: Кристали чистого (99,999%) хрому, отриманого розкладанням йодиду хрому. Для порівняння приведений кубик надчистого (99,95% = 3N5) хрому об'ємом в 1 см³.
Русский: Кристаллы (99,999%) хрома различной формы, полученные разложением йодида хрома. Для сравнения показан куб чистого (99,95% = 3N5) хрома объемом 1 см³.
Tiếng Việt: Tinh thể crom tinh khiết 99,999% bên khối hộp 1 cm³.
Date | 24 April 2010 |
Source | Own work |
Author | Alchemist-hp ( talk) ( www.pse-mendelejew.de) |
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This photo was taken by Alchemist-hp. If you use one of my photos, an email (account needed) or a message or direct to: my email account would be greatly appreciated. |
Camera Model | Canon 5D Mark II |
Lens | Canon EF 100mm |
Notes | made by focus stacking software from 14x single shots |
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This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Focus stack with Helicon Focus of 14 images..
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This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 17 July 2010. It was captioned as follows: English: Pure (99.999%) chromium crystals, produced by chemical transport reaction through decomposition of chromium iodides, as well as comparison a high pure (99,95% = 3N5) 1cm³ chromium cube.
Other languages:
Česky: Krystaly čistého (99,999 % ) chromu a krychlička 1 cm³ vysoce čistého (99,95 %) chromu
Dansk: Rene (99,999%) kromkrystaller.
Deutsch: Reinste (99,999%) Chrom-Kristalle. Hergestellt nach dem chemischen Transportprozess durch thermische Zersetzung von Chromiodid, sowie für den Größenvergleich ein hochreiner (99,95% = 3N5) 1cm3 Chrom-Würfel.
English: Pure (99.999%) chromium crystals, produced by chemical transport reaction through decomposition of chromium iodides, as well as comparison a high pure (99,95% = 3N5) 1cm³ chromium cube.
Español: Cristales puros (99,999%) de cromio, producidos por reacción de transporte químico mediante la descomposición de yoduros de cromo, comparados con un cubo de 1 cm³ de cromio de alta pureza (99,95% = 3N5).
Français : Cristaux de chrome purs (99,999 %), produits lors d'une réaction par transport chimique par décomposition des iodures de chrome, ainsi que la comparaison d'un cube de chrome de 1 cm3 très pur (99,95 % = 3N5).
Magyar: Tiszta, 99,999%-os krómkristályok króm-jodidból előállítva (összehasonlításként egy 1 cm3-es, nagy tisztaságú, 99,95%-os krómkocka)
Italiano: Cristalli di cromo ultrapuro (99.999%) - ottenuti per reazione di trasporto chimico tramite decomposizione di ioduro di cromo - accostati, per confronto, ad un cubo di cromo levigato, puro (99,95% = 3N5), di 1 cm³.
日本語: 化学移動反応によるヨウ化クロムの分解によって生成された、純度99.999%の クロムの結晶。右端は比較用の純度99.95%のクロムの立方体(1辺1cm)
한국어: 순수한(99.999%) 크로뮴(Cr) 결정.
Македонски: Кристали од чист (99,999%) хром, добиени по пат на хемиска преносна реакција и коцка од чист хром (99,95% = 3N5) за споредба.
Nederlands: Zuivere (99,999%) chroom- kristallen, verkregen met de gastransportmethode door het ontbinden van chroom jodide met ter vergelijking een hoogzuivere (99,95% = 3N5) chroomkubus van 1 cm³. 3N5 staat voor de 3 negens en 1 vijf in 99,95%.
Polski: Kryształy chromu o czystości 99,999% wytworzone metodą reakcji transportu chemicznego przez rozkład jodku chromu oraz sześcian wykonany z chromu o czystości 99,95% = 3N5.
Português: Cristais de crômio com grau de pureza superior a 99,99%.
Русский: Кристаллы чистого (99,999%) хрома, полученные разложением иодида хрома. Для сравнения приведён кубик сверхчистого (99,95% = 3N5) хрома объёмом в 1 кубический сантиметр.
Українська: Кристали чистого (99,999%) хрому, отриманого розкладанням йодиду хрому. Для порівняння приведений кубик надчистого (99,95% = 3N5) хрому об'ємом в 1 см³.
中文(简体): 纯度为99.999% 铬晶体,以及高纯度的1cm3铬方块。
中文(繁體): 鉻晶體(純度99.999%),通過分解碘化鉻的化學輸送反應製成。右方為高純度的1cm3鉻方塊。
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This file is licensed under the Creative Commons ‘Attribution-NonCommercial-NonDerivative 3.0 (US)’ Licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Diese Datei steht unter der Lizenz Creative Commons „Namensnennung-keine kommerzielle Nutzung-keine Bearbeitung 3.0 US“ Lizenz: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/deed.de |
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Copyleft: This work of art is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it according to terms of the Free Art License. You will find a specimen of this license on the Copyleft Attitude site as well as on other sites. http://artlibre.org/licence/lal/enFALFree Art Licensefalsetrue |
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Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 only as published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License. | 1.2 onlyhttp://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/fdl-1.2.htmlGFDL 1.2GNU Free Documentation License 1.2truetrue |
File usage
Camera manufacturer | Canon |
Camera model | Canon EOS 5D Mark II |
Author | Heinrich Pniok |
Copyright holder | Copyright: Heinrich Pniok |
Exposure time | 1/6 sec (0.16666666666667) |
F-number | f/10 |
ISO speed rating | 200 |
Date and time of data generation | 09:34, 25 April 2010 |
Lens focal length | 100 mm |
Width | 5,279 px |
Height | 3,153 px |
Compression scheme | LZW |
Pixel composition | RGB |
Orientation | Normal |
Number of components | 3 |
Horizontal resolution | 300 dpi |
Vertical resolution | 300 dpi |
Data arrangement | chunky format |
Software used | Adobe Photoshop CS4 Windows |
File change date and time | 00:37, 28 April 2010 |
Exif version | 2.21 |
Date and time of digitizing | 09:34, 25 April 2010 |
Shutter speed | 2.625 |
APEX aperture | 6.625 |
Exposure bias | 0.33333333333333 |
Flash | Flash did not fire, compulsory flash suppression |
Colour space | sRGB |
Focal plane X resolution | 3,849.2116699219 |
Focal plane Y resolution | 3,908.1418457031 |
Focal plane resolution unit | inches |
Custom image processing | Normal process |
Exposure mode | Auto exposure |
White balance | Auto white balance |
Scene capture type | Standard |
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