School heads should see themselves as managers and should
use their resources (people, money, property and time) effectively
and efficiently to ensure that the school is and stays productive
and profitable from an educational perspective.
Meetings are an essential practical aspect of running a school.
Used as management tools they can be very beneficial but all
too often they do not achieve the results intended. Holding
effective meetings does not depend on intuition and good fortune
but on effective management skills.
Individual study time: 3 hours
Learning outcomes
At the end of this unit you should be able to:
understand the reasons for holding meetings
understand the roles of the key players at a meeting
plan meetings for different purposes
conduct a meeting efficiently and effectively
ensure participation in a meeting.
Attitudes to meetings
The success of every meeting depends on the co-operation
and support the chairperson receives from the participants.
The chairperson should thus be fully aware of people's attitudes
to meetings.
Activity 7.1
Meetings are an everyday occurrence at schools. List
the reasons why you think some people regard meetings as a waste
of time.
Amongst the many reasons people have for not liking meetings,
the following have been found to be the most common:
Poor leadership: The leader does not keep the discussion
on the subject and so fails to keep things moving in the appropriate
direction and to engage in those aspects of the discussion
that are stimulating and motivating to the members.
Goals are unclear: Members are not really sure what
they are trying to accomplish.
Lack of commitment: Assignments are not taken seriously
by committee members.
No clear focus: For example, 'What are we supposed
to be doing today?'
Recommendations ignored: Management needs to be responsive
to the recommendations of a committee.
Inconclusive discussion: Problems are discussed but
no conclusions are reached or decisions made.
Lack of follow-through: Members are not given assignments.
Domination: Often one person or clique dominates a
meeting, talking and pushing for their positions while others
wonder why they are there.
Lack of preparation: The agenda is not prepared and
materials that really need to be there are not available.
Someone has not done his or her homework.
Hidden agendas: Some participants may have personal
axes to grind, promoting discussions that only they think
are important.
Activity 7.2
List the factors which you think can make meetings effective.
Among the factors you listed were probably the following:
Clear definition of purpose: What the committee and
its members are supposed to do and what their goals are, is
clearly set out.
Careful time control: Meetings start and end on time,
with enough time allowed to get the work done and no more.
Opinions respected: Meeting members listen and are
sensitive to each other's needs and opinions.
Informal atmosphere: Participants are encouraged to
contribute to the discussion when the atmosphere is informal
rather than being a formal exchange.
Good preparation: Both chairperson and meeting members
are well prepared, any materials required being available.
Commitment: The members are qualified and interested,
wanting to be a part of the meeting.
No distractions: Interruptions are avoided or held
to a minimum.
Record keeping: Good minutes or records are kept so
that decisions are not lost. There is no need to search out
what decisions were made at the last meeting.
Assessment of performance: Periodically, the meeting
stops and assesses its own performance, with any necessary
improvements being implemented.
Recognition of effort: Meeting members feel that they
receive some kind of reward for their efforts, when their
contributions are recognised and appreciated.
Management response: The work of the meeting is accepted
and used, making a real contribution to the school.
Is a meeting needed?
How can a school head avoid holding meetings that frustrate
people? Some attention must be given to designing meetings
that are productive. The first decision to be made is whether
a meeting is really necessary.
Activity 7.3
List all the reasons you can think of for a school head
calling a meeting.
It seems almost too obvious to mention that there needs
to be a legitimate reason for holding a meeting. The design
of the meeting depends on its purpose and what the hopes for
outcomes are. Some legitimate reasons for having meetings
are listed below.
Legitimate purposes include:
to share information
to plan future programmes, actions
to co-ordinate actions of individuals or units
to solve problems, making a decision on a plan of action
to deal with a problem
to gather information, get feedback, review past actions
to determine policy
to motivate, inspire
to train, instruct
to provide support, build cohesion.
Activity 7.4
(1) From your experience, give examples of meetings
that you have found to be a waste of time, or even destructive
instead of constructive.
(2) Suggest reasons for each example.
We often find school heads conduct meetings because it
is required of them. We have meetings for 'meetings' sake'.
These can often be a waste of time, and serve no purpose to
the improved management of a school.
Among the reasons you gave may have been that the purpose
of the meeting was not legitimate. The following list provides
some questionable purposes for meetings:
it is required or expected
it is scheduled
to deal with individuals in a group setting
to punish or reprimand
to exert control
to gain visibility - ego satisfaction.
Assuming there are legitimate reasons for holding a meeting,
the next question to ask is: Is a meeting the best vehicle
for accomplishing the objective? For example, if there is
information that needs to be communicated, should one hold
a communication meeting or would it be more efficient and
effective to send out the information to all who need it via
a memo or written document? The basic condition that determines
if a meeting is needed centres on the question: Do people
have to interact face to face to achieve the objectives desired?
If the answer is yes, then a meeting is probably needed.
What type of meeting?
Meetings can take many different forms, from the more
creative brainstorming techniques to formal school board meetings.
Below you will find a brief summary of the different types
of meetings you might employ as a school head.
Statutory: The law demands it, for example, directors'
or councillors' meetings.
Managerial: Necessary to progress school affairs,
for example, to inform of policy, to brief, to delegate tasks,
to discuss problems, to reach group decisions, etc.
Creative: To generate ideas, to open up new possibilities
or avenues of action, for example, to 'brainstorm' around
the idea of what the school could design, manufacture; to
produce an advertising slogan, poster, etc.
Negotiating: To reach a solution to a problem, for
example, management and teachers' union to agree pay increases
acceptable to two sides with different interests.
General/public: To report back to a group, for example,
an Annual General Meeting of staff members or to air matters
of membership meetings, public inquiries into public interest
Activity 7.5
(1) In your experience as a school head, what type of
meeting would you arrange for the following:
- a staff meeting;
- to plan a school fund raising activity;
- to discuss the behaviour of a teacher with your student council;
- to meet with the school board?
(2) Discuss the reasons why you have made a particular choice.
Participants' roles
In any meeting there are a number of defined roles. These
are fairly common to most types of meetings.
Activity 7.6
(1) What are the four most common roles found in meetings?
(2) What, in your opinion, are the functions of these roles?
Having listed and described your view on the roles and
functions of the various people in a meeting, compare them
to the following ideas listed below.
The chairperson
The role of the chairperson is to:
co-ordinate the work of the committee
ensure that rules and procedures are kept to
run meetings so that all members have a chance to air
their views
act as 'umpire' over disagreements, steering the meeting
along avenues of decision-making
ensure that documents and records are efficiently kept
foster good will and working relationships among staff
act as the meeting's leader and guide.
The secretary
The secretary's duties are to:
carry out the administrative work of the meeting
organise meetings and record the minutes
liaise with the chairperson regarding the general running
of the meeting
keep meeting members and associated parties informed
act as the chairperson's 'right hand'.
The treasurer
The role of the treasurer is to:
monitor the meeting's financial activities
record all its money transactions, submitting regular
reports to the meeting as well as annual balance sheets
liaise with an external auditor who scrutinises the
advise the committee in matters of financial expenditure.
The committee member
Among the duties of the committee member are to:
participate at meetings and do the work delegated to
him or her in the process of advising or decision-making
attend meetings regularly, offering information, views
and responses either by means of voting or making views known
to the chairperson
keep staff or interested parties he or she represents
informed of the work the committee is doing and the decisions
it has reached.
Organising and preparing meetings
The organisation of meetings involves a school head in
a great deal of work. In order to ensure that no job is missed,
it is a good plan to deal with matters systematically. A checklist
is an invaluable aid. It can be conveniently divided up into
jobs to do well in advance, the day before the meeting, the
day of the meeting, during the meeting and after the meeting.
Activity 7.7
To prepare yourself for your next meeting, list the
activities you have to do:
- well in advance of a meeting;
- the day before a meeting;
- on the day of a meeting;
- during a meeting;
- after the meeting.
This list that you have developed might not necessarily
be exhaustive. Use it as a starting point, and add to the
list as you find new things that have to be arranged prior,
during and after a meeting.
Special terms for meetings
Often one attends meetings and becomes totally confused
by the terms used during the meeting. At times these terms
are used deliberately to confuse the participants. Listed
below you will find a list of common, and in some cases not
so common, terms used during meetings. The list can be built
on. Start your collection now!
Ad hoc |
for the particular purpose of |
Advisory |
submitting suggestions or advice to a person
or body entitled to carry out decisions and actions |
Agenda |
a 'timetable' listing items for discussion
at a meeting |
Annual General Meeting |
Amendments |
alterations usually taking
one of the following three forms: addition, deletion or
substitution; it must not be a direct negative |
Apologies for absence |
written or orally delivered excuse for
not being able to attend a meeting |
Chairperson |
co-ordinator of a committee, working party,
etc. |
Chairperson's agenda |
like an ordinary agenda but containing
additional information for guidance |
Collective responsibility |
all members abide by what the majority
decides upon at a meeting |
Constitution (also known as Standing Orders) |
rules drawn up by an organisation for determining
the conduct of its business |
Debate |
a discussion on a motion, presented by
a mover and a seconder (if there is one) |
Executive |
having power to act upon and
carry out decisions |
Ex officio |
by reason of an existing office or post |
Honorary |
performing a duty without payment |
Matters arising from the minutes |
feedback, follow-up on action which has
been taken to implement the decisions of the previous
meeting |
Minutes |
written summary of a meeting's business |
Motion |
a topic formally introduced for discussion |
Nem con |
no-one disagreeing |
Opposer |
one who speaks against |
Other business |
items discussed outside main business of
meeting |
Proposer |
one who speaks in favour of a motion |
Quorum |
the minimum number of people who must be
present in order for the business of the meeting to be
conducted. The number is laid down in the constitution.
If too few are present at the start, the meeting cannot
be declared open and it is postponed. |
Resolution |
a decision reached after a vote at formal
meetings - a motion successfully introduced |
Rider |
an addition to a resolution after it has
been passed |
Seconder |
a person who formally supports the proposer |
Secretary |
committee administrator |
Sub-committee |
a long-term committee appointed by the
main committee to carry out a specific section of its
work |
Sine die |
indefinitely |
Standing committee |
one which has an indefinite term of office |
Treasurer |
financial guardian |
Unanimous |
all of like mind |
Voting |
if the motion has been thoroughly/adequately
debated and the meeting responds in favour of voting,
then voting takes place |
In this unit we have introduced you to a number of problems
and benefits associated with meetings. School heads spend
a considerable amount of time attending or managing meetings,
and therefore it is important that you use your time efficiently
and effectively during these meetings. As a management tool
you will find that meetings can become an effective method
of planning activities, informing staff members of activities,
motivating a team spirit, co-ordinating activities, solving
problems and building cohesion in the staff room. |