List of charitable foundations
Related subjects: Community organisations
SOS Children can be found in this list of prominent charitable foundations. Find out more about our work on our website.
About this schools Wikipedia selection
This wikipedia selection has been chosen by volunteers helping SOS Children from Wikipedia for this Wikipedia Selection for schools. Click here for more information on SOS Children.
This is a list of notable charitable foundations.
- Acorns Children's Hospice
- ActionAid
- Action Against Hunger
- Acumen Fund
- Adventist Development and Relief Agency
- Aerospace Heritage Foundation of Canada
- African Medical and Research Foundation
- Aleh Negev
- Allegheny Foundation
- Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation, Inc.
- Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundation
- Alex's Lemonade Stand
- The Alliance for Safe Children
- American Academy in Rome
- American Himalayan Foundation
- American India Foundation
- American Near East Refugee Aid
- American Red Cross
- America's Second Harvest
- Amici del Mondo World Friends Onlus
- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
- Artforum Culture Foundation
- Association L'APPEL - help for children victims of conflicts
- Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization
- The Asia Foundation
- Asia Injury Prevention Foundation
- Association of Gospel Rescue Missions
- Atlantic Philanthropies
- Baan Gerda
- Best Friends Animal Society
- Better Life, The Foundation for a
- Bharat Sevashram Sangha
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Born This Way Foundation
- Boys & Girls Clubs of America
- Bread for the World
- British Heart Foundation
- Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association
- Burroughs Wellcome Fund
- Bush Foundation
- The Canadian International Learning Foundation
- Cardiac Risk in the Young
- Caritas
- Casa Pia
- The Carter Centre
- Carthage Foundation
- Catholic Charities
- Catholic Relief Services
- CARE International
- Children in Need
- Children At Risk
- Children of Peace International
- Children's Defense Fund
- Children's Development Trust
- The Children's Investment Fund Foundation
- Children's National Medical Centre
- Child's Dream
- Child Watch Phuket
- Christian Blind Mission International
- Christian Care Foundation for Children with Disabilities
- Church World Service
- City Year
- Comenius Foundation for Child Development
- Compassion International
- Cooperazione e Sviluppo
- Counterpart International
- Child In Need Institute (CINI)
- Cancer Research UK
- CanTeen
- David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Dean Foundation- India
- Do Something
- Doctors without borders
- Duke Endowment
- East Meets West Foundation
- Eau Agriculture et Sante en Milieu Tropical
- Edhi Foundation
- Engineers Without Borders (Canada)
- Epilepsy Foundation
- Eppley Foundation
- Food Allergy Initiative
- Foundation for International Community Assistance
- Ford Foundation
- Foundation for a Better Life, The
- The Fred Hollows Foundation
- Fremont Area Community Foundation
- Free the Children
- Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
- Fund for Reconciliation and Development
- Fundacion Manantiales
- George S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Foundation
- German Foundation for World Population
- Gill Foundation
- Girl Scouts of the United States of America
- The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
- Give India
- Grassroots Business Fund
- Global Village Foundation
- Greengrants
- Greenpeace
- Habitat for Humanity International
- Half the Sky Foundation
- Handicap International
- Hands on Network
- Hands on Tzedakah
- Heal the World Foundation
- Heart to Heart International
- Heifer Project International
- Helen Keller International
- Helvetas
- Hilti Foundation
- Holt International Children's Services
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- IHH (Turkish NGO) - Humanitarian Relief Foundation
- Illinois Prairie Community Foundation
- Institusjonen Fritt Ord
- International Children Assistance Network
- International Crane Foundation
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
- International Foundation for Electoral Systems
- International Fund for Animal Welfare
- International Medical Corps
- International Planned Parenthood Federation
- International Republican Institute
- International Resources for the Improvement of Sight
- International Trachoma Initiative
- Invisible Children
- Islamic Relief
- ISSO Seva
- Jain Foundation
- The Jane Goodall Institute
- Jesuit Refugee Service
- Jewish Community Centre
- John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
- Just a Drop
- Kahrizak charity foundation
- Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
- Komitee Twee of the Netherlands
- Konrad Adenauer Foundation
- The Kresge Foundation
- La Caixa
- Landmine Survivors Network
- LDS Humanitarian Services
- Lifeline Express
- Li Ka Shing Foundation
- Lilly Endowment
- Lions Club
- Macarthur Foundation
- Make a wish foundation
- Malian Foundation
- Malteser International
- Marie Stopes International
- Maybach Foundation
- McKnight Foundation
- Médecins du Monde
- Médecins Sans Frontières
- Mercy Corps
- Mercy International Foundation
- Mukti (organization)
- Netherlands Leprosy Relief
- Network for Good
- New York Road Runners
- Nimmagadda Foundation
- Nippon Foundation
- Nobel Foundation
- Norwegian Mission Alliance
- The Oaktree Foundation
- Onassis Foundation
- ONS Foundation
- Operation Blessing
- Operation Smile
- Operation USA
- Opportunity International
- Orbis International
- Oxfam
- Pin-ups for Vets
- Ratanak International
- Realdania
- Reggio Children - Loris Malaguzzi Centre Foundation
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Royal London Society for the Blind
- Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
- Royal Flying Doctor Service
- St. Baldrick's Foundation
- Saint Camillus Foundation
- Salvation Army
- Samaritan's Purse
- Samsara Foundation
- Santa Casa da Misericórdia
- Save the Children
- Scaife Family Foundation
- Simone and Cino Del Duca Foundation
- SCARE for a CURE
- Schowalter Foundation
- SKIP of New York
- Somaly Mam Foundation
- SOS Children's Villages
- SOS Children's Villages - UK
- SOS Children's Villages - USA
- Sparebankstiftelsen DnB NOR
- Starlight Children's Foundation
- Starz Lacrosse Foundation
- Students Helping Honduras
- Surdna Foundation
- Telangana Development Forum
- Taproot Foundation
- Tom Joyner Foundation
- Toys for Tots
- TRAFFIC International
- The Lawrence Foundation
- United Nations Children's Fund
- United Nations Development Program
- United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
- United States Golf Association
- United States Artists
- Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut
- Vietnam Children's Fund
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund
- Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation
- Virtu Foundation
- Volunteers of America
- Voluntary Service Overseas
- Wellcome Trust
- The Weston Foundation
- Wetlands International
- Wikimedia Foundation
- William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- WildAid
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- William J. Clinton Foundation
- Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
- World Conservation Union
- World Medical Relief
- World Vision International
- World Wide Fund for Nature
- World Wildlife Fund
- World Scout Foundation
- World Transformation Movement
- Wounded Warrior Project
- Wyoming Wildlife Federation
- Young Lives
- Youth with a Mission
- YouthBuild