Horrid Henry
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Horrid Henry is the key fictional character of The Horrid Henry series created by Francesca Simon and illustrated by Tony Ross. The first Horrid Henry book was written and published in 1994 by Orion Books and as of the end of 2010, there have been nineteen titles published, as well as numerous collections, activity books and joke books. Novel Entertainment produced an animated television series for CITV.
The Horrid Henry stories are read on audiobook by the actress Miranda Richardson, and published by Orion Audio. The combined sales of all the Horrid Henry books and audiobooks now stands at over sixteen million copies. Horrid Henry is published in twenty five languages around the world. In April 2009, the US Sourcebooks' Jabberwocky imprint released four Horrid Henry paperbacks nation-wide which included "Horrid Henry," "Horrid Henry's Stinkbomb," "Horrid Henry and the Mega-Mean Time Machine," and "Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy." Sourcebooks has since released eleven other Horrid Henry titles. They also have a page with free Activity Pages, Event Kits and a Teacher's Guide for US teachers ( http://www.sourcebooks.com/spotlight/horrid-henry-books.html). there is horrid henry underpants (were horrid henry get pink underpansts and hids them in the boys toilet
In February 2008, an exhibition, "Up to Mischief with Horrid Henry", opened at the Seven Stories Centre for Children's Books in Newcastle, England.
Story books
- Horrid Henry's Perfect Day, Horrid Henry's Dance Class, Horrid Henry and Moody Margaret, Horrid Henry's Holiday)
- Horrid Henry and the Secret Club (1995) (Horrid Henry's Injhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Introduction_to_referencing/1ection, Horrid Henry and the Secret Club, Perfect Peter's Horrid Day, Horrid Henry's Birthday Party)V
- Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy (1996) (Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy, Horrid Henry's Wedding, Moody Margaret Moves In, Horrid Henry's New Teacher)
- Horrid Henry's Nits (1997) (Horrid Henry's Nits, Horrid Henry and the Fangmangler, Horrid Henry's School Trip, Horrid Henry and the Dinner Guests)
- Horrid Henry Gets Rich Quick (1998) (Horrid Henry Runs Away, Horrid Henry's Sports Day, Horrid Henry Gets Rich Quick, Horrid Henry's Christmas)
- Horrid Henry's Haunted House (1999) (Horrid Henry and the Comfy Black Chair, Horrid Henry's Haunted House, Horrid Henry's School Fair, Horrid Henry Minds His Manners)
- Horrid Henry and the Mummy's Curse (2000) (Horrid Henry's Hobby, Horrid Henry's Homework, Horrid Henry's Swimming Lesson, Horrid Henry and the Mummy's Curse)'
- Don't Be Horrid, Henry
- Horrid Henry's Revenge (2001) (Horrid Henry's Revenge, Horrid Henry's Computer, Horrid Henry Goes to Work, Horrid Henry and the Demon Dinner Lady)
- Horrid Henry and the Bogey Babysitter (2002) (Horrid Henry Tricks and Treats, Horrid Henry and the Bogey Babysitter, Horrid Henry's Raid, Horrid Henry's Car Journey)
- Horrid Henry's Stinkbomb (2002) (Horrid Henry Reads a Book, Horrid Henry's Stinkbomb, Horrid Henry's School Project, Horrid Henry's Sleepover)
- Horrid Henry's Underpants (2003) (Horrid Henry Eats a Vegetable, Horrid Henry's Underpants, Horrid Henry's Sick Day, Horrid Henry's Thank You Letter)
- Horrid Henry Meets the Queen (2004) (Horrid Henry's Chores, Moody Margaret Casts a Spell, Horrid Henry's Bathtime, Horrid Henry Meets the Queen)
- Horrid Henry and the Mega-Mean Time Machine (2005) (Horrid Henry's Hike, Horrid Henry and the Mega-Mean Time Machine, Perfect Peter's Revenge, Horrid Henry Dines at Restaurant Le Posh)
- Horrid Henry and the Football Fiend (2006) (Horrid Henry Peeks at Peter's Diary, Horrid Henry and the Football Fiend, Henry Goes Shopping, Horrid Henry's Arch Enemy)
- Horrid Henry's Christmas Cracker (2006) (Horrid Henry's Christmas Play, Horrid Henry's Christmas Presents, Horrid Henry's Ambush, Horrid Henry's Christmas Lunch)
- Horrid Henry and the Abominable Snowman (2007) (Horrid Henry and the Abominable Snowman, Horrid Henry's Rainy Day, Moody Margaret's Makeover, Horrid Henry's Author Visit)
- Horrid Henry Robs the Bank (2008) (Horrid Henry's Newspaper, Moody Margaret's School, Perfect Peter's Pirate Party, Horrid Henry Robs the Bank)
- Horrid Henry Wakes the Dead (2009) (Horrid Henry and the TV Remote, Horrid Henry's School Election, Horrid Henry's Bad Present, Horrid Henry Wakes the Dead)
- Horrid Henry Rocks (2010) (Horrid Henry's Invasion, Moody Margaret's Sleepover, Horrid Henry's Autobiography, Horrid Henry Rocks)
- Horrid Henry and the Zombie Vampire (2011) (Horrid Henry Writes a Story, Horrid Henry and the Nudie Foodie, Horrid Henry and the Mad Professor, Horrid Henry and the Zombie Vampire)
- Horrid Henry's Monster Movie (24 May 2012) (Horrid Henry's Monster Movie, Horrid Henry's Horrid Weekend, Horrid Henry's Grump Card, Horrid Henry's Olympics)
- Horrid Henry's Guide to Perfect Parents (7 March 2013)
- Horrid Henry's Nighmare (4 June 2013) (Horrid Henry's Mother's Day, Horrid Henry's Nightmare, Horrid Henry and The Return of the Demon Dinnerlady, Horrid Henry, Fluffy Struts Her Stuff)
Joke books
- Horrid Henry's Joke Book (2004)
- Horrid Henry's Jolly Joke Book (2006)
- Horrid Henry's Mighty Joke Book (2008)
- Horrid Henry vs. Moody Margaret (two books in one: Horrid Henry's Double Dare and Moody Margaret Strikes Back) (2009)
- Horrid Henry's Hilariously Horrid Joke Book (2010)
- Horrid Henry's Purple Hand Gang Joke Book (2011)
TV series activity books
- Horrid Henry's Headscratchers
- Horrid Henry's Brainbusters
- Horrid Henry's Mindbenders
- Horrid Henry's Sticker Book
- Horrid Henry's Colouring Book
- Horrid Henry's Puzzle Maze
- Horrid Henry's Crazy Crosswords
- Horrid Henry's Wicked Wordsearches
- Horrid Henry's Mad Mazes
- Horrid Henry's Holiday Havoc
- Horrid Henry's Classroom Chaos
- Horrid Henry's Sports Survival
- Horrid Henry Runs Riot
Compilation books
- A Handful of Horrid Henry (2000): Contains Three Complete Books: Horrid Henry, Horrid Henry and The Secret Club & Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy.
- A Helping of Horrid Henry (2001): Contains Three Complete Books: Horrid Henry's Nits, Horrid Henry Gets Rich Quick & Horrid Henry's Haunted House.
- A Triple Treat of Horrid Henry (2003): Contains Three Complete Books: Horrid Henry and The Mummy's Curse, Horrid Henry's Revenge & Horrid Henry and The Bogey Babysitter.
- A Giant Slice of Horrid Henry (2006): Contains Three Complete Books: Horrid Henry's Stink bomb, Horrid Henry's Underpants & Horrid Henry Meets The Queen.
- A Hat Trick of Horrid Henry (2007): Contains Three Complete Books: Horrid Henry and The Mega-Mean Time Machine, Horrid Henry and The Football Fiend & Horrid Henry's Christmas Cracker.
- Horrid Henry's Big Bad Book (2004): Stories comprise: Horrid Henry's New Teacher, Horrid Henry's Nits, Horrid Henry's School Trip, Horrid Henry's Sports Day, Horrid Henry's Homework, Horrid Henry's Swimming Lesson, Horrid Henry and The Demon Dinner Lady, Horrid Henry Reads A Book, Horrid Henry's School Project, Horrid Henry's Underpants.
- Horrid Henry's Wicked Ways (2005): Stories comprise: Horrid Henry and The Comfy Black Chair, Horrid Henry and The Fangmangler, Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy, Horrid Henry Gets Rich Quick, Horrid Henry's Chores, Horrid Henry Tricks and Treats, Horrid Henry and The Mummy's Curse, Horrid Henry's Birthday Party, Horrid Henry's Thank You Letter, Horrid Henry's Holiday
- Horrid Henry's Evil Enemies (2006): Stories comprise: Horrid Henry and Moody Margaret, Horrid Henry and The Secret Club, Horrid Henry's Christmas, Horrid Henry's Haunted House, Moody Margaret Moves In, Horrid Henry's Raid, Horrid Henry Goes To Work, Horrid Henry's Stinkbomb, Moody Margaret Casts A Spell, Horrid Henry and The Bogey Babysitter.
- Horrid Henry Rules The World (2007): Stories comprise: Horrid Henry's Injection, Horrid Henry's School Fair, Horrid Henry's Dance Class, Horrid Henry's Computer, Horrid Henry Meets The Queen. Perfect Peter's Revenge, Horrid Henry's Sick Day, Horrid Henry and The Football Fiend, Horrid Henry Peeks At Peter's Diary, Horrid Henry's Christmas Play.
- Horrid Henry's House of Horrors (2008): Stories comprise: Horrid Henry's Christmas Presents, Horrid Henry's Car Journey, Perfect Peter's Horrid Day, Horrid Henry Runs Away, Horrid Henry Eats a Vegetable, Horrid Henry Goes Shopping, Horrid Henry's Hobby, Horrid Henry's Bathtime, Horrid Henry's Perfect Day, Horrid Henry and The Mega-Mean Time Machine.
- Horrid Henry's Dreadful Deeds (2009): Stories comprise: Horrid Henry's Sleepover, Horrid Henry and The Dinner Guests, Horrid Henry Minds his Manners, Horrid Henry's Revenge, Horrid Henry's Wedding, Horrid Henry's Hike, Horrid Henry Dines at Restaurant Le Posh, Horrid Henry's Ambush, Horrid Henry's Rainy Day, Perfect Peter's Pirate Party.
- Horrid Henry Shows Who's Boss (2010): Stories comprise: Horrid Henry's Christmas Lunch, Horrid Henry's Arch Enemy, Moody Margaret's Makeover, Horrid Henry's Newspaper, Horrid Henry's Author Visit, Horrid Henry and The TV Remote, Horrid Henry's School Election, Moody Margaret's School, Horrid Henry's Bedtime, Horrid Henry's Diary.
On 23 June 2010 Vertigo Films announced that a live action 3-D film of Horrid Henry was being made. The film's plot focuses on Henry and The Purple Hand Gang fighting to prevent the closure of their school by an evil private school Headmaster.
- In April 2008 "Horrid Henry and the Abominable Snowman" won the Galaxy Children's book of the Year Award.
- Horrid Henry has twice been nominated for BAFTA's Best Animation; in 2009 and 2010.