Khan Academy on a Stick
Fitting a line to points. Linear regression. R-squared.
Correlation and Causality
ccUnderstanding why correlation does not imply causality (even though many in the press and some researchers often imply otherwise)
Fitting a Line to Data
cc -
Squared Error of Regression Line
ccIntroduction to the idea that one can find a line that minimizes the squared distances to the points
Proof (Part 1) Minimizing Squared Error to Regression Line
ccProof (Part 1) Minimizing Squared Error to Regression Line
Proof Part 2 Minimizing Squared Error to Line
ccProof Part 2 Minimizing Squared Error to Line
Proof (Part 3) Minimizing Squared Error to Regression Line
ccProof (Part 3) Minimizing Squared Error to Regression Line
Proof (Part 4) Minimizing Squared Error to Regression Line
ccProof (Part 4) Minimizing Squared Error to Regression Line
Regression Line Example
ccRegression Line Example
Second Regression Example
ccSecond Regression Example
R-Squared or Coefficient of Determination
ccR-Squared or Coefficient of Determination
Calculating R-Squared
ccCalculating R-Squared to see how well a regression line fits data
Covariance and the Regression Line
ccCovariance, Variance and the Slope of the Regression Line
Linear regression and correlation
Even when there might be a rough linear relationship between two variables, the data in the real-world is never as clean as you want it to be. This tutorial helps you think about how you can best fit a line to the relationship between two variables.